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পঞ্চম শ্রেণি (ইবতেদায়ী) - English For Today - NCTB BOOK
Please, contribute to add content into The Liberation War Museum.

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Lessons 3-4


B. Read the news story again. Answer the questions.

1 When did the class go to the Liberation War Museum?

2 Why did the class go to the Liberation War Museum? 

3 How many permanent galleries are there in the Liberation

  War Museum?

4 Which two galleries did the writer and his class visit? 

5 What personal belongings did the students see in 

  "Gallery 4-Our Victory, Our Values"?

C. Groupwork. Read the news story again. Number the events 

     in order from 1 to 5. 


The students...

                         listened to the Declaration of Independence.

                         watched a video clip on the Liberation War

                         and the Independence of Bangladesh.

                         met their guide.

                        saw the personal belongings of some martyred 

                        intellectuals and freedom fighters.

                        went to "Gallery 2- Our Rights, Our Sacrifices"!

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Lessons 5-6


D. Read the news story again. Write as many Wh- questions as 

     you can about the news story. Begin your questions with Who, 

     What, When, Where, Why and How.


F. Look at the news story again. Answer the questions.

1 What is the name of the student magazine? 

2 Who is the magazine for?

3 Who writes the articles in the magazine?

4 What is the title of the news story in the student magazine? 

5 Who is the writer of the news story?

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Lessons 7-8



G. Test your general knowledge. 

     Match the beginnings and the 

     ends of the sentences.


1 Rabindranath Tagore wrote                              26 March.

2 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is       our National Anthem.

3 Our Independence Day is on                            the Father of our Nation.

4 Our Victory Day is on                                         16 December.


H. Groupwork. Plan a field trip that you would like to take. Answer the questions.

1 Where would you like to go? I would like to go to Sonargaon.

2 Where is this place? 3 Who would you go with?

4 How would you get there?

5 When would you go?

6 What would you see there?

7 Why would you like to go to this place?

I. Write your news story in your exercise book.



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